Human understanding of biological toxins is not comprehensive. Food contamination by biotoxins is still a worldwide problem, and it should be closely monitored and controlled. Creative Diagnostics offers several ELISA kits for the detection of biotoxins.
Food allergens refer to ingredients in the food that can cause abnormalities in the body's immune system. Therefore, detecting allergens in food is an important task to ensure food safety. Creative Diagnostics offers several ELISA kits for common food allergens.
Although countries have formulated clear regulations on the use of food additives, there are still companies that violate the regulations in pursuit of economic benefits. Creative Diagnostics offers several ELISA kits for food additives to help you identify additives in food.
Veterinary drugs play an important role in animal feeding. However, the abuse of veterinary drugs not only has direct harm to human health but also has great harm to the ecological environment. Creative Diagnostics offers several ELISA kits for veterinary drug residues.
In addition to the factors mentioned above, other harmful substances also endanger food safety. For example, melamine, histamine, lean meat powder, and so on. Creative Diagnostics offers several ELISA kits for hazardous substances to promote food safety.
Creative Diagnostics has always been committed to food safety, we provide a wide range of ELISA kit products. At the same time, we provide ELISA Kit customization services related to food safety. If you need detailed information, please contact us.